Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week III

EXPLAIN: Compare Pangaea’s break-up 200 million years ago to Earth’s 4.6 billion year history.

Whenever I think of history I am immediately aware of how insignificant not only my existence is, but how insignificant "Our" existence is.  Humbling is not a strong enough word for the emotional head-butt I take everytime I think of this.  The therapy is going well, but I am afraid I will never get over this.  Perhaps the most profound and, at the same time, shocking visual aid that puts everything in perspective is the image below:

Essentially humans have been around for 1 minute and 17 seconds proportionately on a 24 hour clock.  It takes longer to pop popcorn in the microwave.  I wanted to put this on here simply because it helps illustrate that the land has been here much longer and it is the land that has shaped us, not us that shape the land.
I found it fascinating to watch the TD resources and, quite frankly, I was a little jealous.  Where I am located (Adak, Aleutian Island chain) is an incredibly unique place, not unlike a lot of bush communities.  I was jealous simply because due to the United States Government, there is essentially no native culture left here.  As I watched teachers being led by Indigenous People of Alaska to teach traditional methods, I couldn't help but be a little sad that there are absolutely no Aleut students on this island to carry on tradition.  I hear stories about how things used to be, but to say there is any tradition carried on out here would be a gross overstatement.
What local geologic structures and/or forces are evident to your students?
We are essentially surrounded by volcanoes in every direction out here.  We have had about a dozen earthquakes in the last month.  On clear days we go to a vantage point on the island and can view any number of volcanoes, but primarily Tanaga to the west that is blowing off steam on a regular basis.  This place is a geologists dream.  There is absolutely no shortage of geological observances to study out here.

Describe the value of your students' understanding of geologic processes.
My students have a distinct advantage (or disadvantage, depending on the perspective) to live in such an area that earthquakes, volcanoes, geological formations are as close as a look out the window.  Rather than discuss what an earthquake might feel like, we actually feel the earthquakes on a regular basis and then get into a discussion on tectonics and WHY the earth is shaking.  WHY Tanaga is blowing off a little bit. In terms of geological study, I am sitting on a goldmine.  I put this up there with being in Virginia and studying the Civil War.  Rather than discuss it, you simply go see it.  I am, sadly, at a huge disadvantage when it comes to exploring the rich cultural history here.  It seems to be coming to an extinction and that just breaks my heart.  I am fascinated by the Indigenous people of Alaska and have a deep respect for any culture that holds on strongly to its customs and traditions.  My hope is that one day I will be honored with the opportunity to go out and absorb as much information as I can with Indigenous groups as we witnessed in the TD videos.

Basically I feel that this module covered so much information that it could have easily been two or three modules.  It truly made me think about how the physical world around us shapes our ways of thinking so much that it becomes a part of us that we do not consciously think about.  My wife is from the Southwest United States and her entire family is from Arizona as well.  They love it!  They love the culture, the history, the "beauty" and all that goes with it.  I am from the San Juan Islands in NW Washington State.  I love the water and the mountains.  The Sonora desert, to me, is about as ugly a landscape as you can get.  But to my in-laws it is part of them.  part of their history.  paret ofg their lives. 
I loved seeing the TD videos on the native cultures that actually share a life with the land.  It is the same experience that a lot of us have, only with a deep actual conscious connection and, above all else, a respect for the land that has provided so much.  That, I believe, is where I, and many others, differ.

Science Explorations:
I really liked her format and I think I am going to try and mimic this style for the next module.  I am still kind of lost, but if I were grading these, I am certain she would do very well. 

Loved the hunting story and could completely relate to the caribou story.  Also, Nic is a fellow Washingtonian.  I enjoyed reading how he described the Indigenous people and their hunting methods.

Winsor's Explore Alaska Blog:

This is very well said.  I wish I said it,
 "I especially enjoyed Module III because it took a subject I was already familiar with and interested in, and showed me valuable ways to better incorporate landscapes and their influence on cultures into my curriculum-and personal learning! To paraphrase Richard Glenn, the resources I explored as part of this module provide me with several more flashlights. "

1 comment:

  1. I love the 24 hour clock showing the history of the Earth! You are doing great blogs.
